Unveiling of a Partnership Between Raze Network and UniLend

Samson Dogo
2 min readApr 27, 2021


UniLend is a decentralized, unapproved protocol that aims to combine spot trading services and money markets with credit and credit services through smart contracts. It is your job to exploit the potential of decentralized financing.

And the Raze network is positioned as the privacy protocol Unilend intend to use to protect user identity and privacy for the entire DeFi stack of the Polkadot ecosystem. Both teams are closely related to the world of decentralized finance and plan to expand it and bring this incredible technology to a wider audience

Although both projects share the same vision, they differ in their strategic direction, which is why this partnership is so mutual.

UniLend’s smart contract lending services can serve as a retest for Raze privacy and security protocol to see how it can replicate the product into something that specifically targets target users. In contrast, UniLend users can enjoy an additional level of individual protection.

Additionally, both teams will maintain constructive communication to work on innovative ways to enhance the DeFi user experience while still respecting the true values.

About UniLend

UniLend is a decentralized, unapproved protocol that combines spot trading services and money markets with credit and credit services through smart contracts. UniLend is also the first unauthorized flash loan provider to support multiple chains.

About Raze Network

Raze Network is a substrate-based, cross-chain data protection protocol for the Polkadot ecosystem. It was created as a native data-protection layer that provides end-to-end anonymity for the entire DeFi stack. Raze Network applies zkSNARKs to the Zether framework to create a decentralized anonymous second-level module. It is then imported as a substrate-based smart contract. The goal of the Raze Network is to enable commerce and payment systems that protect privacy between chains while protecting the transparency of your assets and behavior from scrutiny.

