Mega Staking Program by EasyFi

Samson Dogo
3 min readJul 21, 2021


700,000 EZ tokens will be locked out of circulation thanks to special programs. EZ tokens worth $500,000 have been set aside as prizes.

Staking Program Specifications
EasyFi announced the simultaneous introduction of two special staking programs for all EZ and EZ (IOU) holders, which started Monday, July 19, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. UTC/8 p.m. IST.

All of these apps will debut on the freshly renovated and revitalized application, which features an ultra-smooth and vibrant UI/UX.

Programs for Staking
For holders of EZ and EZ (IOU) tokens, EasyFi has created the following special staking schemes. On the EasyFi App, the programs are being offered with a newly designed user interface. The application’s new UI/UX reflects EasyFi’s goal of providing the greatest possible experience for the EasyFi platform’s users.

Earn EZ — Stake EZ
Users can stake their EZ tokens on the chosen option on the new UI, as the program name suggests (as shown below). Users will have two adjustable staking options for 90 and 180 days with this software.
Users can choose to leave their EZ totally locked for 90 or 180 days or to unlock it whenever they desire.

Earn EZ (IOU) by staking EZ (IOU).

Users can stake their EZ (IOU) tokens on the new UI’s selected option (as shown below). The users of this program will have two staking options: 60 and 90 days.

Users can choose to keep their EZ (IOU) entirely locked for 60 or 90 days, or they can take them out whenever they want.

About EasyFi

Easyfi is a scalability, composability, and adoption-focused universal layer 2 lending protocol designed for defi. It was created as an open and inclusive financial network infrastructure that runs on public networks and allows for end-to-end lending and borrowing of digital assets and related financial products. Easyfi is based on the principles of permission-less networks and smart contract automation.

