EasyFi is inviting participants that are able to create visually appealing videos in a YouTube video production contest, in which you will be required to produce a short video using the EasyFi network.
Videos must be about easy-to-find subjects, or they can simply be SIMPLE.
There is no limit to the number of presentations you can make.
The video must last at least 30 seconds (preferably 1 to 5 minutes, longer if you have more to talk about).
Videos can be made in any language.
We’ll start by assessing you based on the total number of viewers and interactions (likes, shares, and so on) your video will receive in the coming month.
Copyright infringement must not be present in your works.
Fraudulent actions and submissions would result in disqualification from this and potential competitions.
The contest will begin on April 15, 2021.
Submission deadline: May 15, 2021
This means that from April 15 to May 15, 2021, we will accept entries and save audience info.
As a qualification criterion, the no of views will be processed from o n May 16, 2021, at 12:00 EST (Indian time).
On May 20, 2021, the winners will be released.
The judgments of the judges are final.
Your work must first be uploaded to your YouTube channel.
A description with the following elements is required for all YouTube videos.
#EasyFiNetwork #DoMoreWithDeFi Hashtag
Social Media Links for EasyFi:
EasyFi Network’s website https://easyfi.network.
Official Twitter https://twitter.com/EasyfiNetwork
Official Telegram Group https://t.me/easyfiNetwork
Official telegram announcement channel https://t.me/easyfiAnn
Telegram Groups for EasyFi:
https://t.me/easyfiindia Official Telegram (India)
https://t.me/easyfivn Official Telegram (Vietnam)
Telegram (South Korea): https://t.me/easyfikr
https://t.me/easyfijpn (official telegram in Japan)
https://t.me/easyfibd Official Telegram (Bangladesh)
(Turkey) official telegram: https://t.me/easyhost
Fill out the form to participate in the contest: http://bit.ly/EasyFiVideoMakingComp
Then, on the main telegram channel, post a link to your YouTube video: easyfiNetwork https://t.me/easyfiNetwork
Your posts are evaluated and reviewed by the EasyFi managers.
Basic Requirements
Total number of viewers/popularity
There are several awards available.
First Prize x2: $ 2500 $EASY value
Second Prize x2: $1250 $EASY value
Third prize x2: $500 $EASY value
A simple $ 5,000 pool is shared by 100 of the most famous videos.
Easyfi is a universal Layer 2 protocol that was created with scalability, compostability, and adoption in mind. It’s built to be an open and inclusive financial network infrastructure that can operate on public networks to make end-to-end lending for digital assets and related financial products easier. Easyfi is built on permission-less networks & automation of smart contracts.